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元違和感 presents A lobby conversation

  • 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm | Sunday June 23, 2024
  • Lobby | Ace Hotel Kyoto
  • Free

世の中の当たり前に「違和感」を問いかけることをコンセプトに、男女の枠組みを問いかけたり、ジェンダーやバイナリーにとらわれない多種多様な愛のあり方、ジェンダーと政治について、雑誌や音声コンテンツで情報を発信してきた『IWAKAN』元編集部の「元違和感」の3名をゲストに迎え、エースホテル京都の総支配人の池内 志帆とスタッフを交えた 「働く自分とカミングアウトした自分、共存できる? 」をテーマにしたトークイベントをロビーエリアにて開催する。




We will be hosting a lobby chat with 3 of the members from Moto Iwakan alongside our General Manager Shiho Ikeuchi and Kenny Nakamura around the topic of Coming out : Is it possible in the Japanese workplace


Iwakan: an uncomfortable feeling or sense of discomfort.

Moto Iwakan is a magazine launched in October 2020. It is the product of discussions, explorations, and collaborations with others, both within and outside of our community, who share this feeling. Though our exploration may present more questions than answers, we are nonetheless driven by our curiosity to keep moving forward. Using the lens of art, fashion, academic content, and more, we explore the ways in which gender, sexuality, and binaries inform our daily lives and intersect with every aspect of our society and world. We are a magazine created with queer people at the centre; telling our stories and expanding our understanding.

Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Kyoto

Ace Hotel Kyoto
5:30pm @ PIOPIKO


クラスアズール・テキーラのゲスト・バーテンダー清崎雄二郎氏が、11月1日はレア・グルーヴのDJ Norioと一夜限りの共演、11月2日はDJ Shiotsuがピオピコをジャック。 メキシコ伝統料理 タマレス (メキシコ風ちまき)を期間限定 (10/28-11/4) でお楽しみ頂けます。 Guest bartender Yujiro Kiyosaki of Clase Azul Tequila is joined by DJ Norio of RECORD SHOP rare groove on November 1, with DJ Shiotsu spinning November 2. Plus special tamales served October 28–November 4.  

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Ace Hotel Kyoto
12:00am @ Gallery

Character Building by Daniel David Freeman at Gallery

東京のギャラリーアートブック出版社 commune との共同キュレーションにより、新たに発表された 2024年/2025 年のアーティスト・イン・レジデンス、最初のアーティストであるダニエル・デイヴィッド・フリーマン。Character Building is an exhibition by London-based artist Daniel David Freeman created during his A!R (Artist in residency) here at Ace Kyoto.The intricate graphite and coloured pencil drawings are the result of a laborious and reflective period of making throughout his residency at the ace hotel

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