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Origami Vending Machine with Sok Song

  • 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Saturday May 25, 2024
  • Lobby | Ace Hotel New York

Come and try the Origami Vending Machine (OVM) in the Lobby at Ace Hotel New York!– an innovative fusion of art and technology designed to captivate and delight. Crafted as a site-specific, interactive sculpture, the OVM has been traveling all over the city spreading the joy of folding to everyone!

Participants are invited to select a sheet of patterned origami paper and insert it into the machine. With a simple press of a button, they choose their desired origami model, setting the magic of the machine in motion. A captivating animation unfolds on the vibrant digital screen, showcasing the intricate folding process. In mere moments, the OVM works its enchantment, delivering your own origami creation, ready to be treasured. (

Sok will also present an origami-making class on May 30th. Details and tickets here!

About the artist

Sok is a versatile multimedia artist specializing in the fusion of fine art and craft. He is continuously exploring ways to merge traditional paper folding techniques with other art forms, such as printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, collage, and painting, to create new and unique works. As a printmaker and ceramist, he works at CUNY Hunter College in the printshop and the pottery studio as well as the Manhattan Graphics Center and the 92nd St Y. His art practice draws inspiration from his identity as a child of immigrants and his Korean heritage.

Upcoming events at Ace Hotel New York

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