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ROAST BEAST – Pop-up Sale

  • 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Sunday December 19, 2021
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Come sip and shop at the ROAST BEAST Pop-up Sale at Ace Hotel New York on Sunday, December 19 from 3 pm to 8 pm. 
Peruse a gorgeous selection of handmade seasonal goodies, meet the artists, and listen to jams by DJ Dio and Disco Bruja*. Original holiday cards, ornaments, affordable artworks, and more will be available for purchase, with all proceeds directly benefiting the artists and studio. 

YAI Arts & Culture

Providing a diverse cultural arts experiences for all New Yorkers, including those who are isolated and marginalized due to disability and illness or advanced age, living in temporary housing, at-risk youth, and public school students.
Flyer by Everette Ball.