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Monday Night Bingo

  • 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Monday February 24, 2025
  • King’s Highway | Ace Hotel Palm Springs
  • 701 E Palm Canyon Dr

Monday Night BINGO is back at King’s Highway. We have the beautiful and lovely Bella da Ball hosting, calling numbers, quizzing and giving away prizes.

Bingo is first come first served so reservations are strongly recommended as space is limited, and they can be made on OpenTable. There is a $35 spend per person to participate.

Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Palm Springs

Ace Hotel Palm Springs
7:00am @ Ace Hotel Palm Springs

A!R: HOLY WATER by Erika Weitz at Ace Hotel Palm Springs

In partnership with Ace Hotel Artist in Residence, Superchief Gallery and Friends with Benefits is pleased to co-present HOLY WATER by Erika Weitz – now on view until January 31.   — The Exhibition In HOLY WATER, artist Erika Weitz explores the psychedelic liquid light shows from the 1960s, which are synonymous with the mystical counterculture spirit and acid culture. Water and oil repel each other on the surface but are contained within a greater whole, celebrating novel expressions of their differences…

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Ace Hotel Palm Springs
7:00am @ Ace Hotel Palm Springs

A!R: HOLY WATER by Erika Weitz at Ace Hotel Palm Springs

In partnership with Ace Hotel Artist in Residence, Superchief Gallery and Friends with Benefits is pleased to co-present HOLY WATER by Erika Weitz – now on view until January 31.   — The Exhibition In HOLY WATER, artist Erika Weitz explores the psychedelic liquid light shows from the 1960s, which are synonymous with the mystical counterculture spirit and acid culture. Water and oil repel each other on the surface but are contained within a greater whole, celebrating novel expressions of their differences…

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