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Neoyorquinos: opening night

  • 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Tuesday December 14, 2021
  • Gallery | Ace Hotel New York

December 14 — December 31, 2021

Historias desde una urbe trasnochada, frenética, y descarada”

Ace Hotel New York, ViceVersa Magazine, and Timeline Digital are pleased to present “Neoyorquinos,” a group show featuring selected work of four Latin American visual artists who are part of the Spotify original podcast of the same name. Though widely different in their disciplines, Emmanuel Guillén Lozano, Anita Pantin, Yeti Oc, and Rolando Peña, share a unique urge to participate and advocate for social causes through their art.

Gazing through the creative, artistic, and activist lenses of the artists featured in Neoyorquinos, the installation and podcast, allow us to expand our narratives and imagine a more complex and nuanced immigrant experience. 

Their pieces are displayed alongside the photographs taken by Neoyorquinos podcast director and co-creator, Flavia Romani. 

These walls invite you to glimpse at their unique perspective and stories of letdowns and celebrations, of passion and determination needed to stay and thrive in New York. 

NEOYORQUINOS is a Spotify original podcast, produced by ViceVersa Magazine and Timeline Digital.



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