Friday Night Ace : DJ SHIOTSU & DJ DANBO
- 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm | Friday June 30, 2023
- PIOPIKO | Ace Hotel Kyoto
- 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto
2001年よりクラブDJとして活動を開始。現在全国で最も注目されているクラブ”京都BUTTERFLY”にて毎週土曜日開催される看板パーティー”BUTTERFLY SATURDAYS”のレギュラーDJとしてDJ LEAD、DJ YMXらと共に京都のシーンを支えている。これまでに、DJ LEADらと共に様々なゲストを招き(PETE ROCK、THE PHARCYDE、BIG BOY & DJ E-MAN、KURUPT、XZIBIT、ROSCOE、SHADE SHEIST、DJ EVIL DEE & MR WALT、DJ TONY TOUCH、 DJ STRETCH ARMSTRONG、DJ SPINBAD、FUNKY DL 等)公演を行っている。2013年11月にはTHE HEAVY HITTERSに所属するDJ SPANKYと共に全国ツアーを廻り、各地で成功を収めている。彼独自の世界観と経験 をもって、ブラックミュージックのよさをDJを通して伝えるそのセンスは本物で、選曲の幅も広く、彼のプレイを支持する熱狂的なファンも多い。
DJ Shiotsu began DJing in clubs in 2001, and currently is a regular DJ on “Butterfly Saturdays” at Kyoto Butterfly, which is one of the most noteworthy clubs in Japan. We can undoubtedly say that DJ Shiotsu along the side of DJ Lead and DJ YMX supports the music scene in Kyoto city. he has been successfully inviting many guests with DJ Lead such as Pete Rock, The Pharcyde, Big Boy & DJ E-Man, Kurupt, Xzibit, Roscoe, Shade Sheist, DJ Evil Dee & Mr. Walt, DJ Tony Touch, DJ Stretch Armstrong, DJ Spinbad, Funky DL.
In November of 2013, DJ Shiotsu went on a Japan national tour with DJ So Dope (DJ Spanky) from The Heavy Hitters. DJ Shiotsu’s experience with original DJing ability and wide range of selection conveys the listeners “goodness” in Aftrican American music. These are the reason why the fan base continues to grow as DJ Shiotsu to widen his work past borders.
DJ DANBO -The Bold and Delicate-
Danbo was just an ordinary kid who was into street culture skateboarding and playing in a band until he started DJing in 1999. He was a 16 years old high school student, but it did not take him long to make a prominent figure in Hip-Hop scene as a DJ.
He organized a Hip-Hop party drawing audiences more than 500 people every single time, which was inconceivable back in the days in Japan. He was also active as a Live DJ for the Hip-Hop group IMP and KCYB, which are now know as BONG BROS, most well-known underground Hip-Hop crew in Kyoto.
As he continued to advance his career, he built a strong relationship with D-ST Entertainment, who was clearly conquering the scene nationally from Osaka, then was chosen as a Live DJ of DOBERMAN INC. at age of 21. During the same time he joined the Japan’s longest lasting party “Essential” and released a mix CD every month with DJ SANCON. His high skills of scratching was recognized and accepted to appear in works like “INFINITY D-ST -Limited Edition” and “BONG BROS –The Pain of Child Verse”. Gaining a large number of props as an essential DJ in Kyoto led him to join the representative party of Kyoto “BUTTERFLY SATURDAYS” starring DJ LEAD (Heavy Hitters).
In 2016, the biggest Hip-Hop event in Japan “SUMMER JAM TOKYO” was held for the first time and an only few spot for DJ was left to him. Next year, he made his first NYC tour (Slate NY, High Line Ball Room and more) and Japan tour (Harlem Tokyo and more) with DJ BIGBEN happen.
After gaining experience in different types of field, he is still performing over 200 gigs a year with“Hands-on Policy” as his motto. You will find his DJ style as very flexible from watching him cutting it up with precise, juggling beat, mixing the brand new and the olds, but at the same time perceiving a response from the audience as his No.1 priority. Please enjoy your time experience the original groove DJ DANBO creates with his bold and delicate techniques.
“just an ordinary kid who was into street culture until…”
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Saturday Night Ace : DJ SHIOTSU at PIOPIKO
2001年よりクラブDJとして活動を開始。現在全国で最も注目されているクラブ”京都BUTTERFLY”にて毎週土曜日開催される看板パーティー”BUTTERFLY SATURDAYS”のレギュラーDJとしてDJ LEAD、DJ YMXらと共に京都のシーンを支えている。
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