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Shinya Ogiwara / In My Feelings

  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am | Monday June 05, 2023
  • Gallery | Ace Hotel Kyoto

日常生活から着想を得たポップ且つメッセージ性の強い作品を得意とするアーティスト、Shinya Ogiwara 氏の展示 “In My Feelings” を開催します。

Shinya Ogiwara:1998年東京生まれ。2019年から創作活動をスタートし渋谷TSUTAYAでのポップアップを開催。2022年には米国 R&B シンガー Pink Sweat$ のMVでアートワークを手掛けた上、数々の飲食店やアーティストとのコラボレーション等、幅広く活躍している。

ロビーギャラリーにて レセプション:5月19日 (金) 18:00 – 19:00


Born in Tokyo in 1998, Shinya’s art is a true embodiment of the beauty of everyday life, amplified by a resounding message.   In 2019, he embarked on his journey as an artist, showcasing his art in his very first pop-up exhibition at Shibuya’s Tsutaya book store.   Since then, he has collaborated with various restaurants and music artists, including a music video for Pink Sweat$ in 2022.   We are thrilled to invite you to our gallery reception event where you can experience Shinya’s art firsthand, enjoy a drink, and have a chat with the artist himself.

Gallery Reception Event |  May 19, 2023 18:00 – 19:00



Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Kyoto

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Character Building by Daniel David Freeman at Gallery

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