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Slow Series: Aura Photography Workshop with AURA AURA

  • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Thursday February 27, 2025
  • Lobby | Ace Hotel Kyoto

Join Eileen Lee of AURA AURA for a special Aura Photography Workshop as part of Ace Hotel Kyoto’s Slow Series. Have your unique energy signature captured on deadstock Fuji FP-100C film with an original vintage aura camera from the 1970s. In a group workshop setting, Eileen will guide you through the colors of your aura, and teach you how to interpret your own one-of-a-kind aura portrait.


About: AURA AURA is an experiential portrait practice of Detroit-based conceptual artist & energetics researcher, Eileen Lee. Her practice serves as a vessel for exploring the #humanatmosphere by utilizing legacy analog biofeedback technology and professional instant peel-apart film that are no longer being produced.

These profound images inspires subjects to open themselves up to the ethereal energy of the universe, cultivating an awareness of all the subtle nuances and forces that influence our lives, in the form of inter-dimensional frequencies. Through a specialized process of capturing your bio-magnetic, vibrational energy, she makes the metaphysical visible, resulting in awe-inspiring, one-of-a-kind portraits.

Our aura colors can (and do) change with our emotions, situations and life stories. This experience looks to capture and document these moments, empowering participants to understand their auric states, fostering deeper awareness as universal beings – all while expanding the individual and collective consciousness.

As a highly sought after trailblazer in her field, Eileen’s unique perspective & energetic expertise comes from extensive study of esoteric and modern day texts, along with her first hand experience of documenting the human energy field. Since 2017, she’s captured and interpreted tens of thousands of aura portraits on packfilm, in cities all over the United States.

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