RECORD SHOP rare groove Special DJ Showcase: Pixie
- 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm | Friday October 04, 2024
- PIOPIKO | Ace Hotel Kyoto
- 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku
神戸を拠点にグローバルに活躍するDJ。 世界各国の音楽、レコード愛好家から注目を浴び続ける大阪の老舗レコードショップraregrooveのメンバー。 2017年より地元神戸で自身が主催するダンスパーティーを不定期に開催。 主にシカゴハウス、80年代シンセ・ディスコ、シンセポップなどを独自に解釈し、ミステリアスなプレイスタイルを確立。 2019年はカナダのトロントに在住し、クラブや野外フェスティバルに出演するなど積極的に活動の幅を広げる。 Invisible City Radio(トロント)、The Lot Radio(ブルックリン)、NTS Radio(ロサンゼルス)、Rinse FM(フランス)ラジオにも出演。 また、2019年にロサンゼルスはPalm SpringsにあるAce Hotelにて出演、2020年2月にメキシコシティでの出演を経て帰国。 帰国後、2020年11月にrural主催のHarbourに出演するなど現在も神戸を軸に幅広く活動中。
A DJ based in Kobe, making waves globally. A member of Osaka’s renowned record shop, raregroove, known and respected by music enthusiasts and collectors from around the world. Since 2017, she has been hosting her own dance parties in Kobe on an irregular basis. Her unique interpretation of Chicago house, 80s synth-disco, and synth-pop has led to the establishment of a mysterious playing style.
In 2019, she resided in Toronto, Canada, and expanded her activities by performing at clubs and outdoor festivals. She also made appearances on radio shows such as Invisible City Radio (Toronto), The Lot Radio (Brooklyn), NTS Radio (Los Angeles), and Rinse FM (France). Additionally, in 2019, she performed at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs, Los Angeles, followed by a performance in Mexico City in February 2020 before returning home.
Upon her return, she continued her diverse activities, including an appearance at Harbour, an event hosted by rural, in November 2020. Currently, she remains active in Kobe and its surrounding areas.
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