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Other events happening on Oct 18, 2024

Ace Hotel Sydney
6:00pm @ The Lobby

Planet Trip Lobby Residency at The Lobby

Planet Trip is a Sydney based record label, focused on releasing new music from friends and family around the world. They’re no strangers to The Lobby and we welcome them back for a month of Saturdays in October. Lineup to come

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Ace Hotel Kyoto
6:30pm @ PIOPIKO

RECORD SHOP rare groove Special DJ Showcase: Norio at PIOPIKO

大阪心斎橋に店舗を構えるレコード・ショップ”rare groove”のオーナー。ディスコ、サイケデリック・ロック、ニューエイジ・ミュージック、ハウス・ミュージックなど、ディープ&ワイドなセレクションのストアには、国内外から多くのDJや音楽愛好家が訪れる事でも知られる。

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Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Sydney

Ace Hotel Sydney
6:30pm @ The Lobby

Dólar Rosa at The Lobby

Welcome Dólar Rosa to Thursday nights in The Lobby. Sound selections and performance by Sydney’s nearest and queerest, curated by Chela. August’s line up below: 5 September Performance | Pookie DJ | Homegirl 12 September Performance | Milo Hartill DJ | Reenie 19 September Performance | Zsa Zsa DJ | Zeke 26 September Performance | Jasmine O’dea DJ | Farazzled See what’s happening and who’s playing each month here. Each and every Thursday in The Lobby from 6.30pm – all are welcome…

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Ace Hotel Sydney
6:00pm @ The Lobby

Planet Trip Lobby Residency at The Lobby

Planet Trip is a Sydney based record label, focused on releasing new music from friends and family around the world. They’re no strangers to The Lobby and we welcome them back for a month of Saturdays in October. Lineup to come

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