Poolside: DJ Tone
- 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Friday March 28, 2025
- Poolside | Ace Hotel Palm Springs
Unwind poolside with a refreshment, a dip, and carefully curated sounds to enhance your desert daze.
Selector of the week: DJ Tone
About: Born and raised in southern California, Tony has been exposed to an eclectic mix of music and culture at an early age. His passion to DJ started in 1989 mixing his favorite hip hop cassettes on two tape decks. Since then, he has evolved into an “open format” style DJ who loves to play for the crowd.
Swim Club Pool events are open to hotel guests and day pass guests only.
Other events happening on Mar 28, 2025

Late Nights at Kiln at Kiln
We stay up late. Every week on Friday and Saturday nights, some of our favourite Sydney DJs bring the sounds up on Level 18, taking you from dinner through to the early hours of the morning. Pull up a seat after dinner, or swing by for a couple of late night drinks. Bookings available here and walk ins always welcome. 1 March @levinsonline 7 March @adambozzetto @itsboycey 8 March @nick_drabble @asi4gr4m 14 March @nes.is.more @sollyywood 15 March @levinsonline 21 March…
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RECORD SHOP rare groove Special DJ Showcase : Norio | DJ Fiskars at PIOPIKO
RECORD SHOP rare groove 大阪心斎橋に店舗を構えるレコード・ショップ”rare groove”のオーナー。 ディスコ、サイケデリック・ロック、ニューエイジ・ミュージック、ハウス・ミュージックなど、ディープ&ワイドなセレクションのストアには、国内外から多くのDJや音楽愛好家が訪れる事でも知られる。 Owner of “rare groove,” a record shop based in Shinsaibashi, Osaka. Known for its deep and diverse selection of disco, psychedelic rock, new age, and house music, the store attracts DJs and music enthusiasts from Japan and around the world. DJ Fiskars | Leo Karhunen DJ Fiskarsは20年にわたって音楽を探求し、A-haからZ-Roまで幅広くプレイ。 ダンスミュージックの家系に根ざし、あらゆる枝を揺らしながら独自のセットを作り出す。 ストリートソウルからイタロディスコ、ディープハウスまでスムーズに流れる彼のスタイル。 レコード店仲間としてスタートし、主流から外れた音楽に焦点を当てるが、レアリティにこだわることはない。 DJだけでなく、故郷ヘルシンキでPost BarやTanner、Ambient Barなどのアイデンティティデザインも手掛け、街の景観にも影響を与えてきた。 黒いディスクを一枚一枚重ね、奏でながら、パリ、ニューヨーク、上海を巡り、2025年にはついに日本へ。 Clocking 20 years on the job, DJ Fiskars has explored music from A-ha to Z-Ro. Rooted in the family…
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Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Palm Springs

Monday Night Bingo at King’s Highway
Monday Night BINGO is back at King’s Highway. We have the beautiful and lovely Bella da Ball hosting, calling numbers, quizzing and giving away prizes. Bingo is first come first served so reservations are strongly recommended as space is limited, and they can be made on OpenTable. There is a $35 spend per person to participate.
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Sunset Yoga at Ace Hotel Palm Springs
A mellow flow in the mighty mountain’s shadow, led by Power Yoga Palm Springs. All ages and abilities welcome. BYO mat. This event is outdoors, free and open to all. Please see the sandwich board in our lobby for the location each week.
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